Member Benefits

Members of the URA have access to numerous "Members Only" discounts and resources! Listed below are some of the more important, money savings benefits.  Once you log in to your member profile you will have direct links to all the details for each member benefit. 

Scrub Store Webinar Series

Fourth Tuesday
2:00 pm ET / 1:00 pm CT

Join fellow independent retailers for these free monthly webinars. Topics include fundamental elements important to scrub store owners, merchandising tips, keys to digital marketing, and more. Webinars are presented live and recorded for later viewing.

This program is at the forefront of URA's member benefits. Annually, members are emailed coupons good for 10% off purchase orders of first-quality goods at name-brand manufacturers and suppliers. Participation in the program is limited to the exhibiting companies from the previous year’s trade show.

2025 Participants:

  • AICILEF Uniforms                 
  • Barco Uniforms
  • Cutieful                                 
  • Feetures
  • Green Town Scrubs             
  • SassyBadge
  • Tangoscrubs                         
  • The Uniform Solution/Diamond Data Systems

Health Coverage Program

LIG is our partner for affordable and comprehensive health insurance and pharmacy solutions designed exclusively for individuals, families, and business owners along with their employees, family, and friends. Coverage is available across the entire country as an exclusive URA member benefit. LIG will provide you with cost-effective options at no cost.

Shipping Program

Unishippers is a partner of UPS and focuses on helping small and medium-sized customers. They save retailers 25-30% on inbound shipping costs from vendors that prepay and add the freight on the product invoice. You cannot go wrong with their apples-to-apples free comparison.
Dwane Sherrick, owner of ScrubsPlus of Suffolk, VA, reported that he is incredibly happy with the savings that he is getting on UPS shipping from the Unishipper program. "This has been the best thing for me as a small business." 

Retailer to Retailer eNews

Monthly, members receive our Retailer to Retailer e-newsletter containing practical advice on retail operations, industry news, Association news, and much more.

Annual Trade Show

Held each year in a different location, members receive discounted registration rates with the opportunity to learn from business experts, see the latest products and services, and network with fellow scrub store owners. The event provides a unique opportunity to make friends and exchange ideas with successful retailers from all over the World. 

Industry Links

We have all spent time searching for information or sourcing a certain product or size. The industry links section contains items like exclusive brick-and-mortar retailer products, How to Guide on properly sizing lab coats, uniform market data and statistics, and a Bureau of Labor statistics occupational outlook on nursing and similar occupations.  


If you need help with your website, social marketing, understanding the benefits of social media, email management, or anything else in the digital realm, contact The Real Social Company.

Email Marketing by Constant Contact®

Constant Contact is the easy, effective, and highly affordable way to get your message out to your customers – and build strong, successful, and lasting relationships. URA members can create high-impact email newsletters and promotions in minutes, with no technical expertise necessary. With hundreds of easily customized templates, a simple point-and-click tool, and award-winning free customer support, you can create professional, compelling messages your audience will act on.

Seasoned scrub store owner, Jason Mead, provides an excellent opportunity for store owners to ask questions and get answers. Visit and select URA Member Free Consultation to get help today. 

2018 Scrub Surveys Report

In the summer of 2018, the URA released the results of surveys of scrub retailers and healthcare staff. Now members can find out what nurses like and dislike about scrubs, how they decide what to buy, and what they think of stores. Members can compare their store with other scrub retailers' gross sales, growth, online sales, marketing best practices, challenges, and more!

Click here to join today!
